4 Signs You Have Gum Disease and What to Do About It

By: Wychwood Dental |

4 Signs You Have Gum Disease and What to Do About It

Link: https://www.verywellhealth.com/signs-of-gum-disease-4129574

Wychwood Dental's takeaway:

The main point to stress here is that in a lot of these cases, the progression of gum disease or the consequences (gum recession, mobile teeth, teeth that need to be extracted) can be prevented. It requires diligent home care at home and seeing your dental team on a regular basis, maybe even every 3-4 months.

Do not be afraid to ask how to brush or floss properly. Most people were given a quick demonstration when they were younger and never asked again. Proper brushing and flossing techniques are almost as important as how often you do it.

